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  • The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Streaming Graph

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Streaming Graph

You’re invited!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
12:00 PM ET (6:00 PM CET) | 60 mins

Cybersecurity experts are drowning in false positives and data breaches are in the news every other week.

Come learn along with Top 5 Cybersecurity Thought Leader Mark Lynd about thatDot Streaming Graph and thatDot Novelty, powered by open source Quine.

Digital twins, advanced persistent threat detection, insider threat detection, attack graph analysis, a dozen different powerful use cases all require the deep relationship analytics best done on a graph data model.

But if you’re going to catch cyber criminals before the company name is all over the next news cycle, you need it now, not hours too late.
And a huge pile of false positive alerts doesn’t help. It just makes the burnout and job stress worse.

In order to find and stop advanced persistent threats and insider threats, DARPA and Crowdstrike funded a new technology, not limited by the time windows all other event stream processors must use or the graph database inability to scale.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Thought Leader Mark Lynd introduces thatDot Streaming Graph and thatDot Novelty, powered by open source Quine. thatDot takes the speed of event stream processing and combines it with the depth of graph analysis to stop threats in milliseconds.

Featured Speakers

  • Mark Lynd, Head of Executive Advisory & Corporate Strategy, NETSYNC

  • Ryan Wright, CEO, thatDot

  • Eric Kavanagh, CEO, The Bloor Group

Join us as we explore how these cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing cyber security and interaction.

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