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  • Reshaping Marketing with AI and Data

Reshaping Marketing with AI and Data

Tech-Driven Growth


Hi Data Innovators!

Welcome to today's deep dive into the transformative power of AI and data in driving business success.

Explore how companies like Grab and Coca-Cola are harnessing AI to streamline processes and drive growth, while innovative data strategies keep entertainment giants in the charts.
Learn practical insights on overcoming data challenges, utilizing data to boost customer loyalty, and evolving leadership dynamics in the tech space.

Ready to unlock the full potential of AI and data in your organization?
Let’s dive in!

Yves Mulkers


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🟩 20 JUN


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  • Gain strategies for applying Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) effectively


Our data world section dives into the evolving landscape of data management, exploring groundbreaking strategies and technological innovations that are shaping the future. From the edge computing advancements to overcoming data challenges for SMBs, and the use of AI to simplify data insights, these articles provide a comprehensive look at how organizations can harness data to drive value and efficiency. Discover how entertainment companies are leveraging data for strategic gains and how new tools are making data accessible to all. These insights promise to equip you with the knowledge to stay ahead in the data-driven world.

Actian goes to the edge with latest Zen database update reveals how Actian's latest Zen 16.0 update enhances real-time data processing capabilities with improved query speeds and Kafka support, enabling efficient edge computing for mobile and IoT devices.

How SMBs can overcome data challenges to drive value delves into strategies for small and medium-sized businesses to effectively integrate and clean data, leveraging cloud solutions to transform raw data into actionable insights and drive growth.

How an entertainment company's data strategy keeps them in the charts showcases how Nordisk Film utilizes Qlik's data analytics platform to streamline operations, reduce energy consumption, and harness social media sentiment to stay competitive in the entertainment industry.

API from Belgian Luzmo writes down data insights in normal language highlights Luzmo's new AI component that translates complex data into easy-to-understand language, making data-driven decision-making accessible for organizations without in-house data expertise.


Exploring the cutting edge of data and AI in marketing, in this section we dive into innovative strategies and technological advancements shaping the industry. From leveraging data to boost customer loyalty to the transformative role of AI in marketing, these insights offer valuable takeaways for anyone looking to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Discover how AI is revolutionizing marketing roles and how data-driven approaches can enhance customer engagement and drive growth.

How to utilise data effectively to boost return visits emphasizes the power of data-driven marketing in the hospitality industry, highlighting strategies for collecting and using customer data to personalize communication, automate repeat visits, and build loyalty.

AI revolutionising B2B marketing strategies for the future explores how AI is transforming B2B marketing by enabling hyper-personalized campaigns, automating customer interactions, and providing deep insights to enhance marketing effectiveness and drive business growth.

Coca-Cola global CMO: AI will completely reshape marketing provides insights from Coca-Cola's CMO on how AI is set to transform marketing by focusing on driving top-line growth and effectiveness, with a particular emphasis on upskilling in martech and leveraging AI for innovative campaigns.

Four marketing roles for the AI-enabled future of our industry discusses the evolving roles in marketing as AI becomes more integrated, outlining how positions like the concepter, actualiser, protector, and engineer will adapt and thrive in an AI-driven landscape.


Exploring the dynamic intersection of leadership and technology, we examine the transformative impact of AI and data strategies on modern business practices. From AI-driven innovations in ride-hailing to evolving relationships between boards and IT leaders, these articles provide valuable insights into how forward-thinking organizations are leveraging technology to stay competitive and drive growth. Dive into these stories to understand how strategic tech deployment and leadership can shape the future.

Grab’s Chief Product Officer says generative AI is an accelerator in its drive to get more people using the app without friction highlights how Grab uses generative AI to streamline its development process, enhance customer retention, and expand services with less resource investment.

How an entertainment company's data strategy keeps them in the charts showcases Nordisk Film's use of data analytics to optimize operations, reduce energy consumption, and gain insights from social media sentiment, thereby staying competitive in the entertainment industry.

How the relationship between boards and IT leaders has evolved discusses the evolving dynamic between boards and IT leaders, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and solid infrastructure to harness AI's potential and drive business transformation.

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