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Generative AI, Ethics, and Data Mastery

AI Strategies Unveiled


Hello Data Innovators!

Welcome to today's newsletter, where we explore the cutting-edge advancements in AI across various sectors.

We have a great new episode of our Data Strategy Guru’s podcast with Jay Gopalakrishnan of the Unified analytics platform Knowi.com.

Time to discover how the hospitality industry can harness generative AI, delve into Dubai's leadership in AI ethics and data governance, and learn why CIO and CISO collaboration is crucial for organizational resilience.

From enhancing marketing strategies to revolutionizing talent management, these insights provide valuable knowledge and practical applications. Dive in and uncover the transformative power of AI in shaping the future of business.


Yves Mulkers


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🟩 17 JUN



In this insightful episode of Data Strategy Guru's, host Yves Mulkers talks with Jay Gopalakrishnan from Knowi.com. They delve into a comprehensive dialogue on leveraging Slack and Teams for efficient data interaction, setting up datasets as business entities, and the prowess of using large language models for digital transformation.


Now we delve into the transformative power of AI in various industries, from hospitality to data management, showcasing how generative AI is reshaping workflows, enhancing efficiency, and unlocking new opportunities. With a focus on innovation, data governance, and the practical applications of AI, this collection of articles offers insights into the latest advancements and strategic implementations driving progress. Discover how these developments are not only solving complex problems but also setting the stage for future technological breakthroughs.

How the Hospitality Industry Can Implement Generative AI explores the integration of generative AI in hospitality, emphasizing education, experimentation, and the role of AI as a virtual assistant to enhance design processes.

Gen AI Can Be the Answer to Your Data Problems – But Not All of Them discusses the potential of generative AI to solve data challenges, highlighting its ability to fill information gaps and improve data quality while cautioning against over-reliance on AI alone.

Splunk Adds Data Management and AI Tools to Observability Portfolio details Splunk's new suite of tools designed to enhance data sharing and processing, with AI-driven features that streamline incident investigations and improve IT service management.

Hammerspace Advances GPU Data Orchestration Capabilities to Accelerate Access to S3 Data showcases Hammerspace's innovative platform that optimizes data accessibility and orchestration, enabling seamless data transfer and efficient GPU utilization across various storage environments.


In this marketing focussed section, we explore the dynamic intersection of AI and marketing, showcasing how advanced technologies are revolutionizing strategies, enhancing personalization, and driving innovation. From leveraging AI to make data-driven decisions to integrating AI across the marketing mix and transforming customer data platforms, these insights offer a glimpse into the future of marketing. Discover how AI is not only optimizing current practices but also setting the stage for unprecedented growth and efficiency.

AI Allows Marketers to Make Data-Driven Decisions Faster discusses the role of AI in enabling marketers to swiftly analyze data, enhance decision-making processes, and drive more effective marketing strategies.

Embracing AI Across the Marketing Mix highlights how AI is automating tasks, improving personalization, and enabling marketers to focus on high-level strategic activities for better customer engagement and ROI.

Customers Data Platform Market is Expected to Reach a Revenue of USD 60.4 Bn by 2033 at 27.5% CAGR provides an in-depth analysis of the growth and advancements in the customer data platform market, driven by the integration of AI and cloud-based solutions.

AI Marketers: The New Mad Men explores how generative AI is transforming the marketing landscape, enabling the creation of personalized campaigns at scale and enhancing the overall effectiveness of marketing strategies.


AI's transformative potential in leadership and organizational strategy takes center stage in this edition. From enhancing collaboration between CIOs and CISOs to optimizing talent management and fostering data-driven cultures, the intersection of AI and leadership is revolutionizing how businesses operate. Explore the strategic insights and practical applications driving these advancements, and discover how embracing AI can propel organizations toward greater resilience and success.

CIO-CISO Collaboration is Key to Organizational Resilience emphasizes the importance of breaking down silos between IT and security, highlighting how aligned CIOs and CISOs can enhance cybersecurity and operational efficiency.

Minds & Machines: Dominating the Convergence of AI and Strategy delves into how AI integration is reshaping architectural, engineering, and construction firms, offering leaders the tools to leverage AI for strategic advantage and operational excellence.

Building a Data-Driven Culture: Three Mistakes to Avoid explores the common pitfalls in fostering a data-driven culture and provides actionable strategies for leaders to ensure successful adoption and utilization of data insights.

Revolutionizing Talent Management and Employee Development with AI showcases how AI-powered tools are transforming talent management, from predictive analytics in recruitment to personalized learning and development, driving engagement and performance.

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