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  • GenAI, Semantic Layers & B2B AI

GenAI, Semantic Layers & B2B AI

AI's Business Impact

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Hello Data Innovators!

Dive into the latest advancements in AI and discover how generative AI is reshaping corporate legal departments, enhancing marketing strategies, and transforming business operations. Learn how companies are leveraging AI to support sustainability, battle financial fraud, and drive customer satisfaction. Explore practical tactics to harness first-party data, build compelling AI business cases, and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Get ready to unlock the full potential of AI and elevate your business strategy.

Happy learning,

Yves Mulkers.

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of business and technology, the latest advancements reveal profound impacts on corporate operations, sustainability efforts, and financial security. From the transformative potential of generative AI in corporate legal departments to innovative semantic data layers enhancing data management, these developments highlight the growing importance of integrating advanced technologies into everyday business practices. Additionally, effective energy data management is crucial for sustainability, while open-source databases emerge as pivotal tools in combating financial fraud.

Generative AI's Business Impact on Corporate Legal Departments explores how corporate legal departments are increasingly adopting generative AI to manage rising matter volumes without expanding budgets, emphasizing the need for education and strategic integration.

Cube's Semantic Layer for Company Data highlights how Cube's universal semantic layer integrates various data sources to enhance data management, operational efficiency, and decision-making through automated workflows and enterprise-focused tools.

How Energy Data Management Supports Sustainability discusses the critical role of energy data management systems in meeting EU sustainability reporting requirements, showcasing how real-time data visibility helps companies achieve energy savings and reduce carbon emissions.

The Power of Open-Source Databases in Battling Financial Fraud details how open-source databases, coupled with machine learning and real-time data processing, provide robust solutions for detecting and preventing financial fraud, enhancing customer trust and operational efficiency.


Exploring the intersection of technology and marketing, our latest collection delves into innovative strategies reshaping the industry. From harnessing first-party data for personalized customer experiences to leveraging AI for more efficient and impactful campaigns, these insights reveal the transformative power of cutting-edge tools. Discover how companies are navigating the complexities of data management, AI integration, and contextual advertising to drive growth and engagement in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

First-party Data: Getting You Down? 5 Tactics That Will Take You from Zero to Hero explains how unlocking the promise of first-party data through effective strategies can enhance customer engagement, loyalty, and business growth by addressing common challenges such as messy data and lack of access.

LinkedIn’s 2024 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report Reveals 58% Use AI in B2B Marketing highlights the increasing adoption of generative AI in B2B marketing, showcasing its benefits in improving ROI, accelerating content creation, and creating cost efficiencies while emphasizing the importance of brand building.

Marketing Platform Maino AI Raises $1.8 Million outlines the significant investment aimed at scaling technology, product development, and strategy teams to enhance AI-driven marketing solutions and drive substantial business growth.

Generative AI’s Role in Shaping the Future of Advertising explores the transformative potential of generative AI in revolutionizing search advertising, highlighting its impact on consumer behavior and the future strategies marketers must adopt to stay ahead.

Why Contextual AI Helps Retail Marketers Shop Smarter, Not Harder discusses the growing importance of contextual AI in retail marketing, emphasizing how it enhances targeting precision, improves user experience, and ensures brand safety by leveraging real-time data and consumer insights.


In the fast-paced world of business leadership, staying ahead requires embracing innovative technologies and strategies. This section explores how AI is reshaping operations, driving competitive advantages, and transforming customer experiences. From modernizing business processes through process mining to building compelling AI business cases, these insights highlight the crucial role of data-driven approaches in achieving success. Discover how leaders leverage cutting-edge tools to enhance efficiency, foster growth, and maintain a competitive edge.

Process Mining Helps IT Leaders Modernize Business Operations reveals how process mining tools enable organizations to streamline workflows, improve resource allocation, and enhance compliance, ultimately driving operational efficiency and significant cost savings.

How to Build a Compelling Business Case for AI Projects emphasizes the importance of crafting a robust AI strategy, highlighting the need for quality data, strong infrastructure, and clear objectives to achieve successful AI implementation and long-term business benefits.

Data-driven SMBs are Leaving Competitors in the Dust illustrates how small and medium businesses that prioritize data maturity outperform their peers by effectively leveraging AI for customer satisfaction, revenue growth, and marketing efficiency.

GenAI is Leveling the Playing Field for Smaller Businesses discusses how generative AI empowers SMEs to innovate and compete with larger enterprises by enabling rapid scenario generation, strategic brainstorming, and resource optimization.

How Generative AI is Transforming Customer Experience explores the transformative impact of generative AI on customer engagement, detailing how advanced analytics, personalized marketing, and superior customer support drive business growth and enhance satisfaction.

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