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Enhance Commerce with AI Insights

Boost Your Strategy


Hello Data Innovators!

Welcome to today's edition!
Dive into the hidden value of your business data and discover how AI is revolutionizing everything from emotion recognition in commerce to generative AI in marketing personalization.
Learn when to choose dedicated vector databases, the importance of immutable data storage for cybersecurity, and the critical role of a culture of innovation for AI success.
Unleash the power of analytics in influencer marketing and explore strategies for effective data-driven decision-making. Enhance your productivity with AI insights and understand why every data professional should read the DAMA-DMBOK.

Let's unlock the full potential of data and AI together.

Keep reading to stay ahead of the curve!

Yves Mulkers


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🟩 26 JUN

🟧 8 JUL


Unleash the Power of Generative AI Systems in Your Enterprise

Large language models (LLMs) and generative AI have taken the business world by storm. 
Have you started harnessing the power in your organization?

Download our comprehensive eBook to:

  • Understand LLMs and their role in AI advancements

  • Discover real-world AI applications across sectors

  • Learn about the importance of data in AI systems

  • Explore the risks, challenges and combined value of AI and enterprise data

  • Evaluate the worth of fine-tuning models

  • Gain strategies for applying Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) effectively


In a world where data is becoming increasingly critical, understanding its hidden potential can transform businesses. Recent insights reveal how leveraging data, enhancing AI's emotional intelligence, choosing the right database, and securing data can propel growth and innovation.

Why the Unknown Value of Your Business Sits in Your Data explores how data analysis can unveil hidden business value, driving growth through better decision-making and customer engagement.

AI Model Decodes Human Emotions, Enhancing Commerce Strategies demonstrates how emotion-sensing AI can revolutionize customer interactions, making them more personalized and effective in real time.

When Should You Choose a Dedicated Vector Database? provides insights into the critical decision of selecting a dedicated vector database to optimize AI applications and data handling capabilities.

Why Immutable Data Storage is Key to Cybersecurity Strategy highlights the importance of immutable data storage in maintaining data integrity and providing robust protection against cyber threats.

Creating AI-Driven Solutions: Understanding Large Language Models offers a comprehensive guide on harnessing the power of large language models to develop advanced AI-driven solutions responsibly and effectively.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of marketing, harnessing advanced technologies and innovative strategies has become essential. Our latest insights delve into how generative AI is revolutionizing personalization, the strategic leverage of AI and cookieless advertising by CMOs, and the transformative power of data-driven influencer marketing. Each piece offers a glimpse into the future of marketing, providing actionable takeaways for driving engagement, enhancing customer experiences, and navigating the complexities of modern digital advertising.

Generative AI Personalization Transforms Marketing explores how generative AI enhances marketing with personalized content, driving engagement and customer satisfaction by analyzing vast data sets to predict consumer behavior and automate content creation.

CMOs Leverage AI and Cookieless Advertising in Digital Era highlights how CMOs use generative AI and adapt to cookieless advertising to elevate their company’s market presence, ensuring beneficial customer engagement while navigating data privacy regulations.

Analytics: Unleashing Power of Influencer Marketing discusses the critical role of analytics in influencer marketing, emphasizing how data-driven strategies can maximize the impact of influencer partnerships and drive significant growth in brand visibility and engagement.


In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, integrating AI and fostering a culture of innovation are more crucial then ever. This section delves into how business leaders can harness these transformative tools to boost productivity, bridge skill gaps, and drive meaningful change. The following articles provide insights into cultivating an innovative mindset, leveraging AI for practical applications, and the importance of continual learning and adaptation.

AI Success Depends on a Culture of Innovation emphasizes that the true power of AI lies in coupling technology with a culture of innovation, fostering an environment where collaboration, creativity, and clear end goals drive the successful adoption of AI.

Why Every Data Professional Should Read the DAMA-DMBOK underscores the importance of the DAMA-DMBOK as a comprehensive resource, offering invaluable insights for data professionals to enhance their expertise and navigate the complexities of data management.

How Managers Can Use AI to Boost Productivity explores practical applications of AI in managerial roles, highlighting research by McKinsey on how AI can streamline processes, reduce downtime, and drive efficiency in the workplace.

Why Business Leaders Are Flying Blind on AI Skills and What to Do discusses the perceived AI skills gap and offers a strategic approach for leaders to integrate AI effectively, focusing on leveraging AI to enhance decision-making and productivity while fostering human capabilities.

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