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  • How to Deliver Self-Service Analytics on Snowflake Using a Semantic Layer and LLMs

How to Deliver Self-Service Analytics on Snowflake Using a Semantic Layer and LLMs


You’re invited!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
2:00 PM ET (11:00 AM PT) | 60 mins

Learn how to integrate Snowflake's data platform with AtScale’s Semantic Layer and Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance self-service analytics capabilities.

You'll walk away with actionable insights to harness the full potential of this innovative approach. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your data strategy and stay ahead in today's dynamic data landscape.

In this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • The Foundation of Data Management: Learn from Alex Ross, Senior Solutions Engineer at Snowflake, about the fundamentals of an efficient data platform.

  • Introduction to Semantic Layers: Discover how a semantic layer can simplify data accessibility and enhance business insights with Dave Mariani, CTO at AtScale.

  • Power of LLMs in Analytics: Delphi Labs will present a live demonstration of how LLMs integrated with a semantic layer can revolutionize data interaction.

Featured Speakers

  • Dave Mariani, Founder & CTO, AtScale

  • Alex Ross, Senior Solutions Engineer, Snowflake

  • David Jayatillake, CEO, Delphi Labs

  • Michael Irvine, Co-Founder, Delphi Labs

Join us as we explore how these cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing data consumption and interaction.

Can’t make the live event?

Webinar hosted by AtScale, the leading provider of semantic layer solutions for enterprise analytics and GenAI

AtScale enables smarter decision-making by accelerating the flow of data-driven insights. Try AtScale for free today! Download the public preview of the AtScale Developer Community Edition aiming to energize and expand the community-based creation of semantic models. This free download packs the full functionality of AtScale, integrating our latest advancements, including DBT integration and robust BI tool compatibility, all underpinned by our powerful SML capabilities. Download today and start transforming the way you work with your analytics and data!