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  • The Cost of Ignoring AI in Strategic Leadership | 20 Dec 2023

The Cost of Ignoring AI in Strategic Leadership | 20 Dec 2023

Embracing AI for Strategic Advantages in Leadership


Hello Innovators and Visionaries!

Welcome to our latest edition, where we're diving headfirst into the exhilarating world of emerging technologies and leadership strategies!

Today, we're exploring how AI is reshaping everything from data management to marketing dynamics and the very essence of leadership.

Imagine a world where data isn't just numbers but a story waiting to be told, where marketing isn't just about reaching out but truly connecting, and where leadership is not just guiding but inspiring in the age of AI.

Each article in this newsletter is a piece of the puzzle, helping us piece together the future of our industries.

So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, and let's embark on this journey of discovery together.

Yves —


New Podcast Episode: 

00:53 why am I excited about AI
02:26 You say people are afraid of artificial intelligence, we need to embrace that 03:58 it's because of that fear and that lack of knowledge
05:58 Like if I had an AI technology that understood where I was surfing
06:27 it's the opportunity by information overload
08:48 You can automate the part of the process that is just mundane
10:50 Are you the algorithm or are you a real person?
12:57 A lot of people fear that AI will take all the jobs
14:36 Humans have to remain as part of the process
16:19 To make the AI and technology more successful, we need to focus more on the human side
20:30 I'm hiring people for the competence, what they have, what they want to become, where they want to go, what goals they want to reach
24:00 you can't even imagine what 10 years is going to look like


We delve into the intricate world of data management, exploring how technology is reshaping traditional practices and introducing new challenges and opportunities. From the risks of storing data indefinitely to the transformative impact of generative AI in human resources, each piece offers a unique perspective on the evolving role of data in our lives. Discover how blockchain technology is revolutionizing agriculture, the similarities between AI's memory mechanisms and the human brain, and the innovative use of drones in sustainable farming. Join us on this enlightening journey through the latest developments in data management.

In 'Why is Storing Data Indefinitely a Security Risk?', we learn about the hidden dangers of hoarding outdated data, emphasizing the importance of strategic data lifecycle management for security and efficiency.

'3 Ways Generative AI Will Transform Your People Strategy in 2024' reveals how generative AI is set to revolutionize HR strategies, offering innovative solutions for talent management and organizational development.

Exploring 'Blockchain Streamlines Agriculture in a Big Data World: New eBook Explains How', we discover the transformative impact of blockchain in agriculture, enhancing efficiency and transparency in a data-driven industry.

'AI’s Memory-Forming Mechanism Found to Be Strikingly Similar to That of the Brain' unveils the fascinating parallels between AI memory processes and human brain functions, offering insights into the future of AI development.

In 'Revolutionising Sustainable Agriculture by Leveraging Drones and Machine Learning', we learn how drones and machine learning are becoming pivotal in advancing sustainable agricultural practices.

'2023 Was the Year of Generative AI: What Can We Expect in 2024?' takes us through the advancements of generative AI in 2023, setting the stage for its continued evolution in the coming year.

Finally, 'Google Gemini AI Revolution 2023' offers an insightful glimpse into Google's latest AI innovations, showcasing how Gemini AI is shaping the future of technology and data management.


Explore the evolving landscape of marketing, where traditional practices are being challenged and reshaped by emerging technologies. From the integration of partner data in customer data platforms to the transformative role of artificial intelligence, these articles provide insights into how modern marketing strategies are adapting to a rapidly changing digital environment. Join us as we delve into the innovative approaches that are redefining the marketing industry.

In 'Is Your CDP Built to Support Partner Data?', we discover the importance of customer data platforms (CDPs) in effectively integrating partner data, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach beyond first-party data in digital marketing.

Exploring 'The Role of AI in Challenging Traditional Marketing Practices', we learn about the significant impact of artificial intelligence in transforming marketing strategies, emphasizing AI's role as an indispensable tool for modern marketers.


In this section, we delve into the pivotal role of leadership in navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and innovation. From the integration of AI in government agencies to the holistic approach required for sustainable IT strategies, pick up valuable insights of how leaders can effectively harness the power of data science, AI, and ethical governance. Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for leaders in this dynamic era.

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Do you have an interesting story to share, please reach out to us by sending a DM on twitter: @yvesmulkers

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