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  • ChatGPT's Shocking Energy Consumption: A Call for Sustainable AI?

ChatGPT's Shocking Energy Consumption: A Call for Sustainable AI?


Hello Data Innovators!

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) and data are not just buzzwords but the backbone of technological and marketing evolution, staying ahead means understanding the nuances of these powerful tools.

Today, we dive into the electrifying reality of AI's energy demands, the languages shaping the future of AI engineering, and how AI is rewriting the rules of coding. But that's just the beginning. We explore groundbreaking patents in data curation, revolutionary data platform architectures, and the blueprint for building a data department from scratch.

On the marketing front, we decode strategies to harness data for captivating digital dialogues, leveraging AI tools for marketing brilliance, and crafting strategies to win in the AI era. Each article is a piece of the puzzle, offering insights into navigating the complexities of today's digital landscape. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a marketing maven, there's something here for you.

Dive in to discover how these insights can transform your approach and keep you at the forefront of innovation.

Yves Mulkers

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OUR NEW BOOK - Hot from the Press !!

🚀 Excited to announce the launch of my latest book: "Generative AI Business Applications - An Executive Guide with Real-Life Examples and Case Studies"!

Why this book? After years of being an industry analyst and thought leader in the data and analytics space, I noticed a gap. A gap between the potential of generative AI technologies and the practical, actionable knowledge available for business leaders to implement these technologies effectively. This book bridges that gap.



Unveiling the wonders of music diversity and unexpected concert experiences. Dive into the captivating sounds of Moite, the German brass orchestra playing techno music, and embark on a sonic adventure with experimental group, The Glitch Mob. Let the music immerse you in an extraordinary journey closely connected to data and marketing.


In a world where technology's pace never ceases to amaze, we delve into the intricacies of artificial intelligence, data management, and the evolving landscape of programming. From the environmental impact of cutting-edge AI models to the foundational skills required to forge a career in AI engineering, our exploration spans the gamut of innovation and its implications. We uncover how AI is reshaping the very fabric of coding, introduce groundbreaking advancements in data curation, and reveal the architecture behind the latest AI-driven data platforms. Furthermore, we provide a roadmap for establishing a robust data department from scratch, offering insights into the strategic and operational considerations that underpin success in the digital age.

A recent investigation highlighted in "A new report reveals that ChatGPT exorbitantly consumes electricity" sheds light on the substantial energy demands of AI technologies, prompting a discussion on sustainability in the tech industry.

"Essential programming languages to become an AI engineer" offers a comprehensive guide for aspiring AI professionals, emphasizing the critical role of programming skills in navigating the complexities of artificial intelligence.

In "How AI has already changed coding forever", we explore the transformative impact of AI on software development, illustrating how these technologies are revolutionizing the way we create and understand code.

"BigID pioneers breakthrough patent for its technology to accelerate data curation and cataloging for AI" introduces an innovative approach to managing the data lifecycle, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of AI applications.

"VAST Data unveils new data platform architecture for the AI factory" reveals the latest advancements in data platform architecture, designed to meet the demanding needs of AI-driven enterprises.

Lastly, "A guide to building a data department from scratch" provides invaluable insights for organizations embarking on the journey to establish a data-centric culture, highlighting key strategies for success in the digital era.


As we stand on the brink of a new era in marketing, the fusion of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) is not just reshaping strategies but redefining the very essence of customer engagement. This convergence promises unparalleled insights and automation capabilities, offering marketers the tools to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with precision and creativity. Our selection of articles delves into the heart of this transformation, exploring innovative approaches to data-driven dialogues, the power of AI in crafting personalized marketing campaigns, and strategic frameworks designed to captivate and retain the modern consumer. These narratives not only illuminate the path forward but also challenge us to rethink the boundaries of what's possible in marketing today.

"Navigating the future of marketing with data" unveils the pivotal role of data in steering marketing strategies towards uncharted territories, emphasizing the necessity for marketers to adapt and thrive in an increasingly data-centric world.

"3 methods for mastering data-driven dialogues with your digital audience" introduces practical techniques for engaging digital audiences through data-driven insights, highlighting the importance of personalized communication in building meaningful connections.

"AI marketing tools" explores the transformative impact of AI on marketing tools and strategies, showcasing how automation and intelligent analysis can elevate campaign effectiveness and customer engagement.

"5 marketing strategies to win and keep clients in the age of AI" presents a strategic blueprint for leveraging AI in marketing, offering actionable advice to captivate and retain clients in a landscape dominated by technological innovation.


In the dynamic realm of leadership, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and robust data management strategies stands as a beacon for transformative success. In this section we dive into the foundational elements of crafting an effective AI strategy, the pivotal role of data management in revolutionizing business operations, and the innovative conversion of data into a valuable asset for organizational growth. Additionally, we explore comprehensive frameworks for scaling AI initiatives beyond preliminary applications, offering leaders a blueprint for embedding AI across enterprise operations. These insights serve as a guide for navigating the complexities of the digital age, empowering leaders to harness the potential of AI and data to drive unprecedented progress and competitive advantage.

"Creating an AI strategy: The essential pillars" emphasizes the critical components necessary for formulating a robust AI strategy, highlighting the importance of aligning AI initiatives with business objectives to foster innovation and efficiency.

"How strong data management becomes a real game-changer" reveals the transformative power of effective data management, illustrating how it can catalyze business growth and operational excellence in today's data-driven landscape.

"How companies can turn data into currency for business success" explores the concept of data as a strategic asset, offering insights into leveraging data to unlock new opportunities and drive sustainable competitive advantages.

"Can't move beyond basic AI use cases? Here are 10 elements for building an enterprise-wide strategy" provides a comprehensive guide for expanding AI applications within organizations, detailing ten critical elements to develop an effective, enterprise-wide AI strategy that delivers tangible results.

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